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How to Tie a Cape Knot

Cape Knot Tying Steps

  1. Begin with the wide end on the right side and cross the narrow end over to the right.
  2. Bring the narrow end under through the neck loop.
  3. Take it out of the loop on the right side.
  4. Bring it behind the neck loop to the left.
  5. Take it up through the neck loop again.
  6. Bring it through on the left and take it to the right in front of the knot.
  7. Take it behind and through the neck loop on the right side.
  8. Bring it down over the loop on the right side.
  9. Pass it through the smaller loop.
  10. Bring it to the back of the wide end and align.
  11. Tighten to adjust.

About the Cape Knot

The Cape Knot is the advanced version of the Atlantic Knot. This one results in the narrow end forming a cape-like feature behind the main knot.

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